A webinar on family policy was held within the framework of the Zhas Galim project

On April 26, Associate Professor of the APK Department, PhD Zhuldyzay Iskakova held a webinar for researchers and representatives of non-governmental organizations dealing with family and youth issues.

As part of the webinar, Zhuldyzay Iskakova shared the results of a sociological study conducted within the framework of the AP13268911 grant "Marital, family and reproductive attitudes of Kazakhstani youth in the context of ethnic groups."

The study helped to identify the level of influence of ethnic cultural values on the worldview of young people in general, as well as to identify factors that influence the process of transformation of traditional views of young people on family and marriage relations.

The main research methods were focus group discussions, in-depth interviews with the target group and an online survey. Geography of the study: 4 macro-regions of Kazakhstan (North, South, West, East).

The webinar was conducted in order to test the research. The final results will be presented at the end of the year in the researcher's monograph.