Open class in the debate format

Debate on Corruption

On April 11, 2019 Aigul Kadyskyzy, the senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of International Relations of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, held an open lesson "Debate on Corruption" in English. It was an orderly event scheduled in the Educational Activities Plan of the faculty.

The purpose of the educational lesson conducted among the first-year students (group C-13) is to acquaint students with the idea of announcing 2019 as the Year of Youth and to educate young people to fight corruption, and to stimulate patriotic feelings of the youth.

The open lesson was conducted in English with debating and discussions. At first, students defined the concept of corruption as a social phenomenon; identified forms of corruption in the society; analyzed the causes of corruption; expressed his/her position in relation to different forms of corruption in education. The debate was very hot.

Finally, A. Kadyskyzy invites students to discuss what measures should be taken to combat corruption.The students offered a number of measures that can be taken in the fight against corruption: severe laws against corruption; anti-corruption government department; social respect for the people of integrity, etc.