Monograph of T.A. Kamaljanova was awarded the 1st degree Diploma

In the context of the framework of the competition "The best scientific work of ENU-2021", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, the monograph "Natural Resources Management and Peacebuilding in case of Liberia", Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations, T.A. Kamaljanova was awarded the 1st degree Diploma.
T. Kamaljanova's scientific work reveals one of the topical problems of modern historiography. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign historiographic base, the relation between the management of natural resources and peacebuilding in case of Liberia was determined. Particular attention was paid to post-conflict peacebuilding and natural resources, in the context of which peace agreements on natural resources and post-war peacekeeping are considered.