Recently, Acting Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor K. M. Ilyasova held a scientific seminar on the topic "Foreign experience in studying global cities of the East". The seminar was attended by the teaching staff of the department. The seminar is devoted to the issues of conceptual and empirical analysis and views of foreign and Russian authors on the global cities of the East at the junction of the XX-XXI centuries, reflection and recognition of the global cities of the East.

The global ranking of cities, according to the international consulting company, currently includes the cities of Istanbul, Dubai, Cairo, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Doha and Manama in the Muslim world. The main attention in modern urban studies (mainstream) was paid to the American sociologist Saskia Sassen. He proposed the "theory of the global city" in his work "The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo" (1991). Seven main hypotheses were identified, with the help of which the global city model was developed