Department of Oriental Studies



In 1999, the Faculty of Oriental Studies was opened on the basis of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University under the leadership of Professor S.A. Kaskabasov.

From the very beginning, the main directions of the "Eurasian" School of Oriental Studies took shape: the Department of Arabic and Iranian Studies, the Department of Sinology and Japanese Studies and the Department of Foreign Languages (Western) were created here. The origins of the case were orientalist-Iranist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Zh.M. Tulibayeva (Iranist), orientalist-Arabist, Candidat of Philological Sciences K.I. Turebekova, graduates of foreign universities S.A. Tuleubayeva (Morocco), A.B. Seitbattalova-Tattibekov (China), graduates of KazNU named after Al-Farabi – Zh.Taygulov, A.A. Kapanova-Kayranova (now deceased), A.A. Koksegenova, G.K. Rakhimbayeva, R.S. Eskentaeva, A.D. Argynbayeva, A.K. Kabylshayeva-Takhtanova, A.Karash.

In 2000, the Faculty of Oriental Studies was transformed into the Department of Oriental Studies, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2020. The department employed specialists teaching students Oriental languages, such as: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Persian, Urdu and Hindi.  The Department of Oriental Studies maintains contacts with leading universities of the world (Jordan University, Kuwait University, Tsukuba University, Xi'an University, Minzu University, as well as leading universities of the Republic of Iran and Korea). 

Teachers and students regularly take part in International scientific and practical conferences and seminars, and students of our department go to study language practice in the countries of the Arab East, China, Korea and Japan.

In different periods, the department was headed by   Doctor of Historical Sciences Zh.M. Tulibayeva (1999-2000, 2004-2005), Candidate of Philological Sciences Mashkan N.T. (2000-2003), Doctor of Philological Sciences Professor now Director General of the Institute of Oriental Studies D. Masimkhanuly (2003-2004, 2007-2009), Candidate of Historical Sciences M.M. Abisheva (01.09.2004 - 27.10.2004), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor S.A. Tuleubaeva (2005-2007, 2010-2015), Doctor of Historical Sciences Professor B.J. Abzhapparova (2015-2016), Candidate of Philological Sciences A. Alibekuly (2016-2022).

Since May 2022, the department has been headed by PhD doctor G.U. Birimkulova.

Currently, ENU trains orientalists of a wide profile in 5 areas of specialization: China, Korea, Japan, Iran and Arab countries. In 2019, the department received a license to train bachelors, masters of Oriental studies. ENU students take prizes at the Republican Olympiad in the specialty "Oriental studies", oratory competitions in Oriental languages within Kazakhstan and abroad, making a worthy competition among domestic orientalists, go on language, country studies internships or study in the studied regions, successfully pass certified tests for knowledge of Oriental languages, etc. Graduates of the department have the opportunity to work in state and local government bodies, ministries, state national security agencies and other institutions, foreign embassies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, international organizations and communities, research institutes, universities, mass media, etc. Many students and graduates undergo internships abroad and under the presidential Bolashak program they are sent to receive and continue their education in foreign educational institutions.

In addition, the department teaches college professors (Ashraf Attiyah (Arab Republic of Egypt), professor Ahn Sang-hoon, Kim Il-kyung, Kim Hye-yoon (Seoul, Korea), professor  Isiuatar Takumi (Public University, Japan), Marzieh Saadat Rizavi (Allame Tabatabai, Iran)

The faculty of the department includes 3 doctors of Sciences (Doctor of Historical Sciences B.J.Abzhapparova, Doctor of Historical Sciences T.Z. Kayyrken, Doctor of   Philological Sciences S.A. Tuleubaeva), 5 candidates of Sciences (Candidate of Historical Sciences K.M. Ilyasova, Candidate of Historical Sciences A.M. Azmukhanova, Candidate of Historical Sciences Z. Ilyasova, Candidate of F.N. A. Alibekuly, Candidate of F.N. G.K. Kurmangali), 3 Doctors PhD (G.U. Birimkulova, A.U.Tyulubaeva, A.U.Isaev),  3 Masters of Sciences (A.A.Tleubaeva, E. Duissenkoja, B.K. Makangali) аnd  teacher N.B. Sudyeva, S.S.Zhakaeva.




Today, the department is a leading center for the training of orientalists in the capital of Kazakhstan. In 2014, 2019, the Bachelor's and Master's degree educational program passed specialized accreditation in the areas of training.




Report on the activities of the Department and ORIENTAL Studies report 2022-2023 1-half year

Report on the activities of the department 2021-2022

Report on the activities of the department 2020-2021

Report on the activities of the department 2019-2020. 


Annual work plan of the department 2020-2021 

Annual work plan of the department 2021-2022

Annual work plan of the department 2022-2023