Scientific activity

Teachers of the Department of Regional Studies are continuously improving the research process, conducting research on topical regional issues. The department is actively developing a number of fundamental research topics. Also, the department holds annual Autumn Schools on Regional Studies, which are devoted to topical aspects of the theory and practice of regional studies. In 2014, a collection of scientific papers of 2014 “Actual problems of regionalization in the context of world development” was released under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Regional Studies, Ph.D., associate professor P.K. Kilybaeva and PhD, associate professor A.N. Ospanovoy.

 In 2015, a collection of scientific papers "Modern processes of regionalization: trends and problems" was published under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Regional Studies, Candidate of History, Associate Professor PK Kilybaeva and Dr. PhD, Associate Professor AT Serikbaeva. The faculty of the department are actively published in the scientific journal Modern Eurasian Studies (RISC, RF).


The faculty of the department also as a result of their own research and / or within the framework of grant funding are involved in research projects both as managers (co-managers) and executors. funding for research "MES RK:

- In 2015-2017, the department implemented two projects on the theme: The Ethnopolitical History of the Golden Horde (Ulus Juchi) of the XII-XV centuries. Political system, social development, ethnocultural composition. Project Manager Professor of the Department Kushkumbaev AK, executing associate professor Sabitov Zh.M., doctoral student of OP 6D050500 "Area Studies" Zheksekeeva Danara. And a project on the topic: Analysis of the state of expert assessment of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the European academic community. The project executor is Professor of the Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor R. Tashtemkhanova, Associate Professor A. Serikbayeva, Masters of the EP 6M050500 “Area Studies” BM Batisheva, R. M.

The faculty of the department are members of the editorial boards of national and international publications, members of the councils on the EP "6D020200-International Relations", "6D050500-Regional Studies", "6D021200-Turkology", reviewers of dissertation research, textbooks, teaching aids.

In 2017 Ospanova A.N. By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the academic title of associate professor (associate professor) was awarded Order No. 1332 of September 13, 2017; Professor Nursultanova L.N. By the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science, the MES RK was also awarded the title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) Order No. 1533 of October 17, 2017.

For example, Professor Tashtemkhanova RM, Professor Darkenov KG, and. Professor A. Ospanova, Associate Professor Nurbayev Zh.E. are members of the editorial board of the “Vestnik ENU. LN Gumilyov. Series Political Sciences. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology”; Ospanov A.N. Member of the Russian-Kazakhstan expert IQ-club; Nursultanova L.N. - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Kilybaeva P.K., Khazhmuratova A.M., Aitbaeva R.T., Bukeshova G.K., Nurbaev ZH.E.– expert and developer for entrance test tasks according to EP 6M050500 “Regional Studies” and tests of EOOD of the testing center of RK.

 Research work of the faculty of the department. During the reporting period, the following textbooks and monographs were published:

1. The role of the spiritual management of the Muslims of Kazakhstan in the socio-cultural life of the country Ospanova A.N., Onuchko M.Yu., Mukanov M.R., Amirova G.N. Master. –Astana: ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov, 2013. -91c.

2. Ospanova A.N., Nursultanova L.N. Actual problems and trends in the development of higher education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan Problems of the development of education and upbringing: theory and practice [collective monograph] - Moscow: Perot Publishing House, 2015 p.147-158

3. G. Bөkeshova “Tәuelsіz Memlekletter Estostysty Tarihy” -144 bet.

4. Aymaқtanu negіzderі. Medeubaeva Zh.M., ilyilyaeva P.Қ. Оқу құраллы -222 б.

5.Monography Nursultanova L.N., Ospanovoy A.N. on the topic: “The Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union: Realities and Prospects” in 2016 was approved by the University’s Scientific and Pedagogical Council and was published in the amount of 256 p.

6. In 2018, Prof. Zholdasbekova A.N., Ospanova A.N., Professors of the Department of Regional Studies. together with a visiting foreign professor Sheninin A.S. published a monograph: "The formation and implementation of US foreign policy towards Turkey after the end of the Cold War." Volume 280 pages.

7. In 2018, Ospanov A.N., Professor of the Department of Regional Studies, together with visiting professor Shenin A.S. published a monograph: "The Republic of Kazakhstan - USA: history and prospects." Volume 194 p.

8. Professor R. Tashtemkhanova, General Editor Zh.M. Medeubayeva released a monograph Foreign policy of Kazakhstan: The European expert assessment. AcademieInternationale CONCORDE, 2018.-203p. (Chapter 2.-pp57-104) -12.7 pp.

9. Darkenov K.G. Alash zyalylyrynyң taғryr. - Astana. -2016. - 210 beta .: Professor KG Darkenov together with Abzhapparova B.Zh. published a monograph in Russia in English "Modern oriental historial processes" ("Modern Eastern historical process" Rostov-on-Don. 2019

10. “Geopolitics of Energy and Pipeline Diplomacy in Central Asia: Policy Options for India”: Monograph / Zholdasbekova A., Ramakrushna P. / - Astana: LLP “Kultegin”, Abylai Khan str. 2/2, 2018. - 248 p.ISBN 978-601-7318-72-7

11. “Lingering Conflict, Economy & Livelihoods of Afghanistan's Agriculture: State-of-the-Affairs and Evolving Linkages with the Region - A View from Kazakhstan”. Analytical Report / Zholdasbekova AN, IrfanShahzad / - Astana: “Kultegin” Press, 2018. - 61 p. ISBN 978-601-7318-70-3

12. Ariel González Levaggi, Akbota Zholdasbekova, Nilüfer Narlı Eurasia-Latin America Strategic Engagement and Comparative Perspectives in Politics and Economics: monograph / - Astana: Kultegin, 2017 179 p.ISBN 978-601-7318-71-0

13. Development of interregional partnership in the EAEU. Collection of analytical reports / Arshinov Yu.E., Zholdasbekova A.N., Kuzmina E.M., Lapenko M.V., Nemchinova TS, Ospanova A.N., Shenin A.S., Vasilyeva N.A. ., Evstafev DG, Kapanov Kh.H., Mergaliyeva L.I., Primbetova S.Ch., Tlesova AB, Tsyplin V.G. Saznov A.N. Astana: Kultegin Publishing House, 2018. - p. 238.

During the reporting period, students published more than 60 papers, undergraduates 50 papers, doctoral students 70- papers, faculty members - more than 200 publications.


The list of intellectual property certificates registered during the reporting period:

1. Ospanova A.N. The new strategy of the European Union in Central Asia in the field of education and science: prospects and problems of implementation No. 2507 of October 30, 2017

2. Kilybaeva P.K., Ospanova A.N. Khalykaralyk Katynastar Tarikh№2508 dated October 30, 2017