Material and technical resources

The Department of Foreign Languages has all the necessary material and technical base in teaching the discipline "Foreign languages" for training high-class specialists.

The department has modern teaching facilities – a multimedia classroom (UAC 231). The multimedia cabinet is equipped and equipped with a modern interactive TeachTouch LED panel with headphones and a universal Sanako Lab 100 media unit for connecting 32 users. The interactive LED panel is integrated into a local network, with access to the global Internet, which allows conducting video seminars and trainings with foreign universities. A variety of software is used in the learning process, including the latest information and tool systems, language tools and application programs. 


Since 2015, with the assistance of the Embassy of Spain, the Spanish Language Center has been functioning in 236 classrooms. Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, equipped with the most modern equipment - computers, projectors, headphones and necessary literature. This center is the only one of its kind Spanish language center in Central Asia.

In January 2019, 231 classrooms were equipped by the Romanian Embassy with literature on the Romanian language to study the Romanian language and culture.

In Auditorium 232, with the support of the Italian Embassy, the Center for Italian Language and Culture was opened in June 2019.

The Department of Foreign Languages (room 403) is equipped with modern HP 2019 monoblocks 2 units, HP 2020 monoblocks 2 units, Acer 2022 monoblock 2 units, and A4 format printing devices. The department also has its own scientific and methodological library with books on the specialty.