

The Department of Oriental Studies graduates highly qualified specialists with knowledge of Oriental languages.

The specificity of the general education program is that students are immersed in key aspects of the countries of the East: diplomacy, economics, politics, culture and ethics, philosophy, linguistics, etc. Moreover, the competencies obtained within this                profile allow graduates to occupy both ordinary and managerial positions in the structure of the state            apparatus, to develop international relations in business, tourism, culture and art, etc.

Among the graduates of the department are employees of state bodies, national companies, scientific, educational centers and commercial structures, including Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Malaysia B. Sugurbayev                (previously Director of the Department of America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of                                Kazakhstan), winner of the international competition "Kazakhstan Uzdik studenti -2020" A. Shadi (diploma of the 1st degree) and many                        others.others .

Students of the Department of Oriental Studies take an active part in republican subject Olympiads, international Olympiads, conferences, participate in academic mobility, win prestigious competitions, have sporting achievements.

Academic mobility of students is implemented in the strategic direction of Personnel training at ENU.

Every year, the department provides a list of students applying for vacant grants at the university and students win grants. According to the result


The department occupies a leading position in the national rankings. Dynamics of the NAAR rating according to OP 6B02209 / 7M02209 "Oriental Studies" 

In the national ratings of OP at all levels since 2014 they have held leading positions:

Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (NAAR)


Bachelor course




















2022 2022 2022
2022 2022 2022




 Professional, scientific and educational activities of the members of the department were awarded the following awards:

AbzhapparovaBibikhadishaZ hursinovna - Research interests: History of East, Historiography, Inter disciplinary Source Studies of History of East. Publications: More than 150 works, including 3 monographs, 11 textbooks and manuals, 5 scientific articles in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals 1 Islamic Issue in the Scientific Inheritage of Nazir Torekulov. Herald of ENU named L.N Gumilyov Scientific Journal. -2015. №3. – p. 550-558. 2 Kazakstan’s interests in Pacific Asia Region. Herald of EHI. – 2015. №2. – p 11-15. 3 Ancient history of East. .– Training manual. - Astana: ENU. 2015, 174 - p. 4 The 1937 year: Fate and tragedy of Kazakh intelligentsia New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. Selected paper of 8th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES-2016), 4-8, February 2016, University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain Issue 1 (2017) 611- 618 5 Family traditions— foundation of Japanese spirituality. Herald of KaragandaUniversity , Philology Series №1 (89), 2018.– p. 41-47. 6. A New Modern History of countries of the East. – Astana, ENU edition named L.N.Gumilyov, 2018. -542 p. Manual 7 Analysis of Foreign politics of Kazakhstan by German Academic Society. Herald of PSU. Humanitarian series // 2018. №4. –p. 189-201. 8 French Historiography of Central Asia Historiografíafrancesa de Asia Centra UTOPÍA Y PRAXIS LATINOAMERICANA. AÑO: 23, n° 82 (JULIO-SEPTIEMBRE), 2018, pp. 16-32 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE FILOSOFÍA Y TEORÍA SOCIAL CESA-FCES-UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA. MARACAIBO-VENEZUELA. ISSN 1315-5216 / ISSN-e: 2477-9555. 9 Modern paradigms of Oriental Studies. Herald of ENU named after Abay.«History and Political-Social Sciences» Series 2019№1(60). – P.142- 147 10 Modern oriental historical processes. – Rostov na Donu, 2019. -196 p., 1. Modern new paradigms of oriental studies. International scientific-practical conference "NEW KAZAKHSTAN: INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING AND EDUCATION FOR RENEWAL" dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin "Tulegenov readings-2022" MATERIALS April 2022. - Б. 216-222., Modern paradigms of teaching and research of Oriental history. Materials of the international scientific-methodical round table dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Abzhapparova Bibihadisha Zhursinovna, orientalist, doctor of historical sciences. - Nur-Sultan: "Bulatov A.Zh." individual entrepreneur, 2022. -169 p.

Samal Tuleubayeva - Publications: More than 150 works, incl. 1 monograph, 3 textbooks, 3 translations, about 20 articles published in the near and far abroad, 1 article in a peer-reviewed foreign scientific journal: 1. “A Thousand and One Nights” in the Kazakh folklore tradition (for example, the Kazakh fairy-tale epos). Monograph. - Almaty, "Arys", 2009. - 200 p. 2. Arabic.The texts of the event content. Tutorial. - Astana, 2012. - 199 b. 3. Arabic language in economics. Tutorial. - Astana, 2014. - 115 p. 4. Abdul Wahab Abdul. History of Justice of the Emirates in antiquity "(translated from Arabic into Russian). - Astana, Foliant Publishing House, 2015. - 136 p. 5. Al-Faisal: the witness and martyr // Al-Faisal: әділдік pen batyldyқ Zholy. Al-Faisal: the witness and the martyr. Translation from Arabic into Russian. - Astana, 2017. - p. 35-69. 6. Kazakhstan and the Arab world: history and modernity // Materials of the international scientific and methodical on-line conference "Actual problems of Oriental studies". - Almaty, 2017. - p. 166-171. 7. The Turkic component of the Muslim civilization: history and modernity // Proceedings of the II Forum of the Humanities "The Great Steppe" - II. - Astana, 2017. - p. 555-565. 8. Termology Case Study: Translational Features (Terminology Case Study); // Journal of International Journal of Environmental and Scientific Education. - Volume 11 Issue 18. - Turkei, 2016. - p. 11319-11330. (co-authored with: Gulshat Z. Beisembayeva and Manshuk Z. Yeskindirova) 9. Mentality of al-Farabi and its linguophilosophical implementation // Russian language as a factor of cultural and educational integration of society: Coll. scientific works. Series "Conceptual and lingual worlds". Issue 11. - St. Petersburg., 2016. - p. 306-31.

Azmukhanova Aiman ​​Makhsotovna - Publications: 1. Tarlan historian who determined the fate of the country // Turkic Studies Journal 2022, Volume 4, Number 2. P.125-136. ISSN 2664-5157 1,1 (VAK, RINC) Azmukhanova AM, 2. Meirokusya society and Kazakh Jadidism in Japan: a comparative analysis // Bulletin of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Oriental Studies Series. №3 (135). S. ??? - ???, 2022 1,3 (VAK) Azmukhanova AM, Aualbek EN , 3. Secular and Spiritual Elite of the Kazakh Turks: Research Directions and Methodology 5th International Symposium on Eurasian History and Culture, Istanbul, Turkey, July 18-19, 2022, 0,8 (Collection of materials) Azmukhanova А., Редакционная коллегия : 1. Bulletin of ENU - Member of the Editorial Board of the Series of Political Sciences, Regional Studies, Oriental Studies and Turkology, 2. TSJ - Responsible Secretary of Turkic Studies Journal, Scientific projects: 1. Project participant (2020-2022), ENU, Abai Academy, Nur-Sultan 2. АР08855981 - Participant of the project "World and national cultural archetypes in the works of Abai", ENU, Abay Academy, Nur-Sultan.

Akzhigit Alibekovich - Monograph Turkic-Kipchak literature in Egypt. Almaty, Massaget 21, 2016. 208 pages. 2) Articles: 1. The image of society in the works of Sh. Aitmatov. Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference "Aitmatov readings". Bishkek, 2015. p. 212-214. 3. The problem of ghosts in ancient written monuments. “Problems of language, literature and art”, Bishkek, 2016. № 1. p. 187-193. 4. Al-Farabi’s doctrine: virtuous people and a model of the “perfect man”. Bulletin of the KazNU. Religious Studies Series. 2015. №2 (2). 57- p.62. 5. Scientific significance of al-Farabi's book "The Book of Religion". 3 rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on SOSIAL SCIENCES and ARTS. Book HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY. Vienna (Austria), HOFFOURG Congress Center, 6-9 April, 2016. P. 725- 732. 6. Historical and philosophical problems of Al-Farabi’s “Music” Theory. 3 rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on SOSIAL SCIENCES and ARTS. Book History of arts. Vienna (Austria), HOFFOURG Congress Center, 6-9 April, 2016. P. 35-41. 7. Gabdulla Tukay and Kazakh literature. Materials of the international conference "Gabdulla Tukay and the Turkic world". Kazan, 2016. p. 12-15. 8. The work "Diwani lugati-t-turk" in Kazakh literary criticism. Materials of the I Humanitarian Scientific Forum "Great Steppe". Astana, International Turkic Academy, 2016. pp. 432-439. 9. Myth and truth: A few words about Bumin Kagan. Materials of the international scientific-theoretical conference "Aitmatov readings - 2016". Bishkek, 2016. pp. 332-339.

Issayev Abilkhan Ukibayevich - Publications: 1. Қытай тіліндегі идиомалар / Исаев Ә.Ү. // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Шығыстану сериясы = Вестн. КазНУ. Сер. востоковедения . - 2010. - № 2. - С. 47-51б 2. Имидж государственного служащего России/ Исаев А.У.//КЛЮЧОВИ ВЪПРОСИ В СЪВРЕМЕННАТА НАУКА. Секция:Государственное управление. 2017. С. 87-91б

Ilyasova Zibagul Sulimenovna - Publications: 1. Е. Н. Stepanov, A.K. Каиржанов, З. С. Ilyasova. Tribe of Desht-i-Kipchak: totemic meanings in ethnonyms // Bulletin of ENU. LN Gumileva (Series of Political Sciences, Regional Studies, Oriental Studies, Turkology). № 4 (137) / 2021. -C.213-222 2. Zhumatayev, Y. B., Ibrayeva, E. E., Ilyassova, Z. S., Kairzhanov, A. K., & Tuxaitova, R. O. (2022). Syncretic writings of mythological consciousness in the written medieval monuments. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 18 (1), 397-410. Doi: 10.52462 / jlls.190 Syncretic writings of mythological consciousness in the written medieval monuments // Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 18 (1). 2022. –p.397-410. file: /// C: / Users / Abil / Downloads / 3498-13201-1-PB% 20 (3) .pdf, Articles: 45 (included in the Web of Science database: Golden Horde Review of the Russian Federation, Tatarstan; Web of Science: Bilik magazine (Q4) Turkey). Teaching aids: 1 Textbook: 1 Monograph: 2. 08.08.2003-09.09.2003. The program of study "Higher Arabic" at Cairo University, Egypt (certificate). • 01.06.2004-06.06.2004 – Practical course in Arabic. ISESCO (certificate). • 25.10.2013-23.11.2013 language training in the Arab Republic of Egypt • 15.08.2015-24.08.2015 courses on acquaintance with the culture and art of the Islamic Republic of Iran” (IRI, Tehran) (certificate). • 19.09.2013-20.09.2013 Seminar: “Maintaining and improving the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of MS ISO 9004:2009. Management for the sustainable success of an organization. Quality management approach” (certificate). • 8.12.2015-26.12.2015 Seminar: "Mamlukter memleketinin tarihy" with the participation of Professor of Cairo University (Egypt) Abulhasan Mahmud Bakri Musa. Organizer - KazNU. Al-Farabi. (RK, Almaty) (certificate). • 04/11/2016- 04/20/2016 Advanced training course "Problems of teaching Arabic". The organizer is the Egyptian Cultural Center at the Embassy of Egypt in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty (certificate).

Ilyasova Kulpash Murzamuratovna Publications: 1. Ilyasova K.M. Report of the Turkic-Tatar wrestling union // Bulletin of KazNU. Series historical.-№1 (76).-Almaty, "Kazakh University" 2015. - 75-79 pp. 3. Ilyasova K.M., Akanov K. Influence of the global financial crisis of 1997–1998 on the development of the economy of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. Science Magazine. No. 1. 2015. - P. 5 - 11. 4. Ilyasova K.M., Akanov K. On the work of the State Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the relocation of higher and central bodies to the city of Akmola (October 1995 - December 1997) / / Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. Science Magazine. No. 4.-S. 5-5. Ilyasova K.M., Baizhanova G.D. The history of the creation and activities of the Lisakov Special Economic Zone // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. Science Magazine. No. 2. 2016. - P. 46 - 53. 6. Iliyasova K.M. Alash murasymen kemeldengen tarikhshy // Kazakh tarihy. No. 6 (145). - 2016. - 7-9 bb.; Source: © 7. Ilyasova K.M. Orta gasyrlardagy Asia zhane Africa elderinіn tarihy. Oku kuraly. - Kyzylorda, 2010.-248 bet + 12 cards. 8. 1932-1933 zhyldardagy asharshylyk aqiqaty - The truth about the famine of 1932-1933. Uzhymdyk monograph. - Almaty: Litera-M LLP, 2012. - 336 b + 16 b. japsyrma. -kazaksha, oryssha. 9. Iliyasova K.M. Aitylgan tarikh nemese Istanbul zhazbalary. Astana: "Typography Stimulus", 2016. - 175 bet + 20 bet japsyrma. 10.National economy in archival sources (under the scientific supervision of K.M. Ilyasova). Collection of documents and materials. - Astana: "Typography Stimulus", 2016. - 376 p. 11.Special economic zones of Kazakhstan in archival sources (independence period). Collection of documents and materials / comp. Ilyasova K.M., Bagdatova S.A., Kurmanbaev B.M. [and others]. - Astana: "Typography Stimulus", 2017. - 278 p. 12. Ilyasova K.M., Bagdatova S.A. - Astana is a new capital. Auxiliary teaching aid. - Astana: "Typography Stimulus". - 2017. - 340 p. 13. Ilyasova K.M., Ilyasov D.M. Astana kalasynyn құrylu tarihy. Eurasia humanitarian institutes khabarshysy. gylym magazine. No. 1. - 2018. -16-24 bb. ISSN 1999-4214. 14. Ilyasova K.M., Bagdatova S.A. Astana: the evolution of the capitals of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov. Series Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious studies. No. 2 (123) 2018. - 39-48 pp. ISSN 2616-7255, 1. Ilyasova K.M. Victor Kozodoy. "Alikhan Bukeikhanov - a man of the era" kitaby zhoninde pikir // Khabarshysy Archive. Ғylymi-kөpshіlіk, ақparatttyқ-аdіstemelik journal. No. 1-2/2022. 159-160 bb. ISSN 2788-659X, 2. Ilyasova K.M. Ermukhanbet Kuandyktyn "1 zhyl 11 ai 3 kүn" kitaby turaly // Khabarshysy archive. Ғylymi-kөpshіlіk, ақparatttyқ-аdіstemelik journal. No. 1-2/2022. 161-162 bb. ISSN 2788-659X, 3. Ilyasova K.M. Қазақстанның территориялық тұтастығы мен тәуелсіздігі жолындағы күрескерлер, саяси партиялар, ұйымдар мен топтарды анықтау және зерделеу мәселелері // «Тарихтан тағлым – өткенге тағзымы» атты Саяси қуғын-сүргін құрбандарын еске алу күніне орай ұйымдастырылған дөңгелек үстел (26.05.2022). - Nur-Sultan қ., 2022.

Yerkin Assel Serikkyzy - Publications: 1. "Language features of advertising discourse in Kazakh, Russian and English" // Proceedings of the X International Scientific Conference of Students and Scientists "Science and Education - 2015", 10.04.2015, p. 2969-29736 2. "Tradition and innovation in Korean culture (second half of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century)" // Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific Conference of Students and Scientists "Science and Education - 2018", 10.04.2018, p. 2180-21836 3. "Experience in combating corruption in South Korea" // Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific Conference of Students and Scientists "Science and Education - 2019", 12.04.2019, p. 1919-19226 4. "South Korea's anti-corruption program" OPEN "" // L.N. Bulletin of LNGumilyov Eurasian National University. Political sciences. Regional studies. Oriental studies. Turkology Series, № 2 (127) / 2019, p. 109-116.6 5. "Some negative attitudes of the South Korean people against the United States" // Proceedings of the XV International Scientific Conference of Students and Scientists "Science and Education - 2020", 12.04.2020.

The list of students-winners at international scientific conferences, competitions in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries for the last academic year



The list of students-winners of the XI Republican subject Olympiad in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries for 2019