Within the framework of "Science and Education-2018" conference Foreign Languages Department organized the work of the subsection "Progression of trilingualism in digital Kazakhstan".

On April 12, 2018, within the framework of the XIII international scientific and practical conference for undergraduates and young scientists "Science and Education-2018" timed to the Day of Science in Kazakhstan, Foreign Languages Department of the International Relations Faculty organized the work of the subsection "Progression of trilingualism in digital Kazakhstan".

The main goal of the section is to develop creative activity of students, to involve them in addressing challenges of multilingual education in Kazakhstan within the framework of the state program Digital Kazakhstan.

The welcoming speech was delivered by the head of Foreign Languages Department of the International Relations Faculty Yessengaliyeva A.M. 

"Participation in the annual international scientific and practical conference "Science and Education-2018 " gives a great opportunity to show the results of their scientific research, exchange opinions and publish scientific articles," she said.

A total of 34 reports were presented in the work of the section. Such scientific fields as “Effective implementation of trilingual education in the digital Kazakhstan and the analysis of other countries experience”, “Trilingualism as a way to computer literacy”, “Digital Kazakhstan: hype or reality?”, “Human brain cognitive functions: foreign language and Latin-based Qazaq alphabet” as well as many other topical issues of triligualism were discussed in course of the conference section.

In their reports, students showed deep theoretical knowledge and analytical thinking. Listeners also took an active part in the discussion of the reports, asking various questions and exchanging opinions.

Members of the commission of Foreign Languages Department of the International Relations Faculty associate professor Beisembayeva S.T., PhD doctor, senior lecturer Meirambekova L.K. and head of the department Yessengaliyeva A.M. noted the best reports of the following students:

1st place - Tuyakova Azhar: “Trilingualism as a way to computer literacy”

2nd place - Seidanova Aygerim: “Effective implementation of trilingual education in the digital Kazakhstan and the analysis of other countries experience”

2nd place - Baidolinova Diana: “Digital Kazakhstan: hype or reality?”

3rd place - Sagadinova Yrysty: “Білім беру жүйесіндегі үштілдік (Швейцария, Жапониия және Қазақстанның салыстырмалы анализі)”  

3rd place - Dildabaek Gayni, Hanafina Altynay: “Human brain cognitive functions: foreign language and Latin-based Qazaq alphabet”

The winners were awarded diplomas.