Students from L.N.Gumilyov ENU took the II honorary place in the competition "We are smart"

On February 23, 2018 students of the ENU took the II place in the contest "We are smart", organized by the English language department of the KazGUU University in Astana.

The aim of the contest is to see the English language skills, creativity and intellectual capabilities, as well as the feelings of unanimity and unity of students from every university, encouraging students to study the English language.

The competition lasted three rounds:

I round - presentation of the university in the English language.

II round - Smart game. Participation in the English language quiz on English speaking countries.

III tour – Presentation of the project in the English language.

The team "MIRACLE" was composed from the students of the 1.course and took part in the contest in the following composition:

1. Baidauletova Bota Mukanovna - IR-11

2. Umurzakova Zhanerke-IR-11

3. Ergalieva Aisha-IR-13

4. Serikuly Sultan-IR-13

5. Murat Dias -KK-13


During the competition, the team work was coordinated by the senior lecturers of the Faculty of International Relations of the ENU - R.T. Khassenova,  A.  Kadyskyzy and Amrenova A.N. As a result , the team "MIRACLE" won the II place. Senior lecturers R.T. Khassenova and A. Kadyskyzy received  certificates and the students got prizes.